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The launch of the Intrapreneurship Compass 2017

November 14, 2017

On November 14th 2017, the first report about the Intrapreneurship Compass was launched. This 4-year research project is carried out by Uppsala University under the leadership of Professor Ivo Zander, Dr. Katarina Blomkvist and Dr. Philip Kappen. The research aims to increase knowledge about intrapreneurship in order to strengthen renewal at companies in Sweden. Among other things, the team encourages a higher degree of risk-taking, a greater openness to new ideas, as well as a need for more female intrapreneurs. The Intrapreneurship Compass gives organizations a tool to measure and develop their intrapreneurial climate.

The important role of the intraprenuer and how to create a more favorable intrapreneurial climate was discussed during the launch by Caroline af Ugglas, Vice President at Svenskt Näringsliv, Günther Mårder, CEO of the Swedish Federation of Business Owners, Jennie Nilsson, Chair of The Committee on Industry and Trade, Emil Källström, economic policy spokesperson (C), Mats Persson, economic policy spokesperson (L), and intrapreneurs from the business sector.

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