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The Board

The members of the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation’s Board have a five-year term of office. The Board always consists of Karl-Adam Bonniers family and external members. The current Board is responsible for asset and real estate management and for developing suitable productive activities for the Foundation.

Kia Orback Pettersson


Full time professional board member for the past fifteen years, mainly in the construction/real estate sector, retail, media, IT and health. Board member/Chair of i.a. SVT, Vasakronan, JM, Kungsleden, Jernhusen, Apoteket, Odd Molly, Knowit, Friskis & Svettis and Karolinska University Hospital. 15 years of experience from senior positions in the retail, media and real estate industries as well as experience from consultancy in media and communications. 

Kalena Bonnier-Cirone

Board Member
Project Manager at Malk Partners, an ESG and Impact management advisory services firm for private market investors. Specializes in serving VC and growth-stage investors as well as impact fund managers. Has a Bachelors of Science degree in Environment and Sustainability from Cornell University and will begin her Master of Business Administration in 2025 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Louis Bonnier

Board Member
Director of Programs at the Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT), supporting global business collaboration to address illicit trade. 14 years of experience in public policy, with a focus on international trade policy, anti-corruption, and Intellectual Property (IP) protection and enforcement, as well as experience advising multinational companies on engagement with key global governance bodies.

Eva Halvarsson

Board Member
CEO of the Swedish pension fund Andra AP-fonden/AP2 since 2006. Prior to this, responsible for the Swedish Government’s governance and management of state-owned companies. Contributed to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and has served on the Swedish Corporate Governance Board. Currently board member at Vasakronan, Misum, Finanskompetenscentrum Gothenburg and Korsvägen Foundation. Previously Deputy Chairperson of the board of the University of Gothenburg and has been active in the international board of UN-PRI (United Nation’s Principles for Responsible Investments).

Former board members

Year 2019–2024

Year 2012–2019

Year 2005–2012

Year 1998–2005

Year 1991-1998