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New knowledge and insights generated within the foundation’s research projects and activities are communicated and spread through our own publications. All our publications are available in our digital library and most of them can be download online. To order our publications in print, please contact our office.

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Evolving through change, Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation 2020–2024

The Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation initiates change. For nearly forty years, the foundation has been dedicated to supporting the development of Sweden’s business sector by providing a platform for constructive dialogue and knowledge exchange. The foundation’s activities contribute to new knowledge, promote collaboration, and influence policy. The 2020–2024 mandate period was marked by significant global changes, including Covid-19, war in Europe, Sweden’s NATO membership, economic downturn, energy crisis, and an increased security threat. Staying relevant in turbulent times requires boldness and adaptability – qualities that have defined the foundation’s work throughout this period. This report summarizes the foundation’s activities, developments, and key learnings from the 2020–2024 mandate period.

Trends and Policy Issues in Corporate Bond Markets

This report provides a comprehensive overview of developments in corporate bond markets leading up to the COVID-19 outbreak. Through a detailed mapping of developments during the first half of 2020, it also provides a unique real time account of the short-term functioning of the corporate bond market during the initial stages of crisis and the factors that influenced market behavior. Particular focus is put on the impact on bond issuers of different types and sizes. The empirical findings and the related analysis in this report will form the foundation for future work that will address reforms and good practices that can improve the conditions for smaller growth companies that currently are facing structural difficulties in accessing market-based financing. The publication is written by Serdar Çelik, Gül Demirtaş and Mats Isaksson.

Control ownership and acquisition regulation

An issue that has grown in importance in the corporate governance debate, is the shareholders’ involvement in listed companies’ governance, and in particular what regulatory measures can be taken to achieve increased ownership commitment. In this academic dissertation, this question is put in relation to the rules on public takeover bids in the stock market, with the aim of examining how these rules affect the conditions for shareholders to become involved in the management of the listed companies. The publication is written by Erik Lidman, who works as a researcher and teacher at the Department of Law at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, and is active within Corporate Governance Forum.

Owners of the World’s Listed Companies

This report provides reliable and up-to-date information about corporate ownership structures. The report builds on a unique dataset of firm-level ownership information of almost 10 000 large listed companies worldwide that together represent 90 percent of the global stock market capitalization and a combined market value of USD 75 trillion. The authors present a comprehensive global overview of how ownership is distributed among different categories of investors and cross-border ownership as well as of the degree of ownership concentration at the company level. The report has been developed by Alejandra Medina, Adriana De La Cruz and Yung Tang at the Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance Division of the OECD, under the supervision of the Head of Division, Mats Isaksson.

Intrapreneurship Compass 2019 – Green Intrapreneurship

The Intrapreneurship Compass demystifies how the intrapreneurial climate can be improved to unleash the growth potential in Swedish industry. This third and final report focuses on green intrapreneurship in private and public sector. One of the most crucial issues of our time is that we succeed in the green transition. However, the Intraprenuership Compass 2019 clearly shows that the pace of change is low and that the public sector is lagging behind even when it comes to green intrapreneurship. The report is written by professor Ivo Zander, Dr. Katarina Blomkvist and Dr. Philip Kappen.

Almost Perfekt – How Sweden Works and What We Can Learn From It

Having lived in Sweden for six years, journalist David Crouch has a unique perspective as an outsider looking in on one of the world’s most successful yet divided countries. Based on more than 70 interviews with leading figures in Swedish industry and politics, Almost Perfekt is a journey through Swedish society and what sets it apart from the world today. How does Sweden manage unemployment? What makes it so good for business? And how is it dealing with immigration? With political and economic upheaval threatening to pull Europe apart, discover the reality of how Sweden works and what we can learn from it. The book is based on Bumblebee Nation.

Corporate Governance and Stewardship in a Stakeholder World

Only a few weeks before he passed away, Peter Montagnon visited the Corporate Governance Forum in Stockholm where he gave a much appreciated address. He also sent us an edited version of his speaking notes, which he encouraged us to share with a wider public. We are pleased to feature these notes below together with a tribute provided by Peter’s friend and former colleague John Plender, Senior Editorial Columnist at the Financial Times.

Getting the facts right on born globals

Born globals are companies that from the outset aim to establish themselves on the global market. In recent years they have been identified as important for Sweden’s future growth and job creation. This report analyses Swedish born globals in manufacturing, commerce and services over the past two decades, and how their development differ from other companies. One conclusion is that the expectations on these companies in terms of creating new jobs are too high. The report is written by Professor Magnus Henrekson, Dr. Shon Ferguson and Ph.Lic. Louise Johannesson at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN).

Our impact and influence over 30 Years, Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation 1986–2019

With the goal of creating societal value in Sweden’s business sector, Karl-Adam Bonnier founded a foundation in 1986 to operate within the fields of business economics and corporate law. For over 30 years, the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation (KABS) has provided platforms for constructive dialogue and knowledge exchange, awarded scholarships to students, supported small businesses, funded research, and published reports. These efforts have made a lasting impact and created value for individuals, companies, and decision-makers alike. In this report, the foundation presents a comprehensive overview of its activities and highlights the added value generated by various initiatives from its inception in 1986 through 2019.

Intrapreneurship Compass 2018 – Digital Intrapreneurship

The Intrapreneurship Compass demystifies how the intrapreneurial climate can be improved to unleash the growth potential in Swedish industry. This year’s report focuses on digital renewal and the attitude towards risk in private and public sector. Staying in the forefront of the digital transformation is crucial for Sweden’s future competitiveness. The Intrapreneurship Compass 2018 reveals significant differences in attitude and digital competence between different industries and geographical locations in Sweden. The report is written by professor Ivo Zander, Dr. Katarina Blomkvist and Dr. Philip Kappen.

Don't miss our podcast Smart Society Sweden ​

In our podcast, Smart Society Sweden, Elizabeth Wallentin invites guests to inspiring conversations about the Swedish model and how Sweden works to create a smart society of the future. What are some of the lessons learned and experiences from Sweden’s journey? Tune in as we share our perspectives with others facing the same challenges.