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A long-term and independent actor needed in times of change

December 19, 2024

A mandate period characterized by significant global changes is coming to an end. Courage to explore new opportunities while maintaining a focus on long-term goals has driven the development of new initiatives and collaborations under the leadership of Tor Bonnier, Chairman of the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation.

The board of the Karl-Adam Bonnier Foundation operates in five-year terms. Each board comprises direct descendants of Karl-Adam Bonnier and external members. Together, they shape the strategic direction for the mandate period and oversee the management and development of the foundation’s operations. Since 2015, Tor Bonnier has served as the foundation’s Executive Chairman. Reflecting on the latest term, he summarizes it in three words: challenging, eventful, and educational.

– If someone had told us at the end of 2019 that the next five years would include a global pandemic, war in Europe, heightened security threats to Sweden, a national energy crisis, and record-high inflation, few would have believed it, says Tor.

These global changes have significantly impacted the foundation’s activities during this period. A central part of its mission is to serve as an arena for constructive dialogue and knowledge exchange. During the pandemic, physical meetings were abruptly paused and later resumed in new formats adapted to the restrictions.

– In turbulent times, everything is tested. Yet, I believe it is far better to move forward than to stand still in a changing world. We have adapted both how we work and the issues we address. The courage to try new things is essential for making progress, Tor reflects.

The foundation’s involvement in EXPO 2020 is one example of innovative thinking during this period. The new strategic partnership with the Stockholm School of Economics is another. Through initiatives like the House of Governance and Public Policy and the KAB Center for Governance, the foundation has strengthened its ties to academia which creates new opportunities to contribute to societal development.

– The goal of the foundation is to support the development of business in Sweden. We contribute financially, but just as important is our role in initiating change through activities that drive knowledge exchange and collaboration, Tor explains.

A significant development during this term has been the foundation’s increased public presence— a deliberate decision to facilitate the recruitment of both family members and external individuals to the board.

– We previously operated under the strategy of working without visibility, but we’ve shifted that approach. It’s important to generate interest in the foundation within our networks and among future board members, potential employees, and Karl-Adam’s descendants. Showcasing what the foundation does and the impact we have is essential, says Tor.

Tor has been involved with the foundation in various roles since the late 1990s, including leading the establishment of the Forum for Innovation Management (FIM) and serving on the board for three terms. Much has changed over the years.

– In society and the business world, the topics we discuss today are entirely different from those of ten years ago. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and globalization have been replaced by defense, migration, and nationalism. Times are changing rapidly, and there is no indication that the pace of change is slowing, says Tor.

At the beginning of 2025, a new board will take office, and the transition from the current board has been underway throughout the fall. The incoming board faces an exciting and meaningful mission. In a world marked by complex challenges, independent and non-political forums for dialogue and collaboration are more crucial than ever. The foundation has a vital role to play in this context.

– I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kia Orback-Pettersson, Bo Hjalmarsson, and Tora Bonnier for their dedication and valuable contributions as board members during this term. It has been both rewarding and enjoyable to work together, Tor concludes.

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